The whole family woke up very early today to go on a activity with the family. My dad and his friend has book the place today. It was awesome okay! We went out about 7 am and we took a breakfast at dengkil.. nasi kerabu / nasi dagang is famous there. I didn't ate that much because my tummy wasn't feel that good enough. i share with my sister. I was totally surprise that i meet my uitm friend there which is zami.. my classmate friend. he lives at sri kembangan. He said going to dengkil took about 30 minute. So mean that the place is famous even far away come here to eat at this place.
so after that, we straight went to sepang!!! we arrived there and saw my dad friends there. he had this son which is like in third grad. He and his dad always went there and play. So he was like so power playing go kart.
The day wen awesome! cost playing go kart there was per-head was rm150... meaning 1 game is rm50... we play 3 games cause we did the first game as trial , and then qualifying and the third one is race. So you can choose how many game you want. you also can bring you own team and try an play there...
the yellow t-shirt is my dad and his friend from his office. sorry i forgot his name hahaa...
choose which one you want!! but mine was lucky num 7!! hhehe
this was the racing time! gosh it feel so0o awesome challenged the 'otai2' people..really scared men!! well the first round was kinda hard because EVERYBODY wants to be in front. So like when it come to the corner, it was like aaaa scaring!! cause all the cars are like so near.. but then the sad part on the third round i "terbabas" huhu and i jump and scream!! arghh tidakk!!! i want to be on the race!!! then the boy came and help me pick up the car.. it was so heavy okay! and dont have any reverse gear hahaha so that is why i kinda have to wait for a minute.
this is me and my lil brother adry.. he cuts me shit! hahahaa.... i was like no0o0o00... he just laugh at me! :(
yups that is me poyo isn't it.. ehhee... the girl whi wear scarf need to wear the jacket that they give... also who is not wearing scarf need to tie your hair neatly so it wont cost any dangerous.
my dad again... i cant even cross him time racing! he was to far in front of me.i was like looking for the yellow shirt but i cant go near him. he was so damn good in racing or driving.
hear are the list and the mark or the racing! hahaha look at my name... number 7 ... and the car is also 7 hahah next time ill try number 1 who knows ill get number 1 hahaha ( berangan / dreaming )

okay.. here is some of my picture that is so0o0 poyoing haha... and also gedik...
after that we went to Alamandar , Putrajaya. To celebrate my lil sister birthday!! eheh eshe love nandos so00 much so we eat there all 7 of us... cool day.. ehehhe