What is the meaning of this number? its a secret! One day i will tell you what is the number 45 is got to do with me oright..stay toon~
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Magical Moments with Lipice!
Well in this entry i just wanna talk about
My magical moment with Lipice!!
My magical moment with Lipice!!
Yeah i used this product like since i was in school. why i love this product it is because when i used this product, my lip feel moisturize and makes my lips feel so soft! Plus i just love it when it give you those pink lovely color on the lips. It look very natural! For me, i have to wear it every where i go because if i dont where it, my face will look so pale. So when i put on this lipice, automatically my face look healthy because the lips change into PINK!
See look at us we unite together.. sweet right~
At facebook,lipice they always make a fun contest for the user of lipice. Sometimes i join those contest. Since now, ive already join only 2 contest only. The first one was the Lipice Tea Party that was the best tea party EVER! with lisa surihani!! that one was the fun! i just love the place.. the food... the people... the CUPCAKES!! everything went well!! You can just go on and click that link and you can see the party..
So 11/12/2011 was the second party lipice that ive join. Well the party was all about pink! The contest just need to tell about what is the dream party that we want and place. Well sadly i did not won . . “Pinkylicious fiesta” < ---- that link is my dream partly huhuhu... well everyone that join that contest got 2 ticket to go to the pink party!! yeah!! i bring my lil sister with me..
up here is my lil sister asyura.. hehehe next year she will be having her PMR good luck sister!! hehe
she does look mature right? heheh
yeah and this is me! hehee those sticker is for the goodies bags!
up here was the "cabutan bertuah" yeah i know my name is not that bertuah huhuh always like that.. so my name didn't get announce huhu sob sob

Here was the table! really nice huh hehehee so0o0 pink and so0o gurly!!

this cupcake is seriously taste so0o0 good!! it is so0o0 good and so0o0 delicious!
this group dance was osem! really good performance by them!
While we were eatting each table need to go to the front and take picture with Lisa Suriani.. she look so0 gorgeous! right! ehehehe

The food was superb! sangat rugi pada sesiapa yang tidak dapat menghadirinya taw!.. lots of choice! up here was the desert corner, up here is the cheese cake..with strawberry on top.

up here is the malay dessert nyumm ada jugak tersesat pink hehehehe cute~
Those people won the fasted game.. they got extra goodies bags from lipice! congrats you guys!!
this one up here was freeze dancing!! it was fun seeing them dance and lisa and joey try to make them move but the contested did not move at all good job you guys and then they need to try another game which is the musical chair...
hehe does she look pretty?? well she won the best dress!! look at her dress so pretty!! hehee
beside lisa that won the prize of making this theme party.. thanks beb!! love your idea! plus u and your besties was super duper howt that evening! hehe
i love this picture... when lisa kiss her mother.. everywhere lisa goes, her mom always be beside her.. she a cool mom ever!! hehe
Lipice always give lisa flower! I really love those kinda flower! because it is pink! heheehe
up here is joey and lisa... joey was the m.c at the party.. her was fun and energetic person.. thanks joey being our m.c!!
Lastly the party went very well!! love the party hope lipice will do this kinda of party again!! hehehe i just love the goodies bags that lipice gave!! and yeah that was my Magical Moment with Lipice.. ive got two sweetest moment with the Lipice crew that ive got to experience with friend and family. Lipice really make us unite with all the girls. I really love that society. Gather around and talk about everything. The Lipice that unite us all girls! Yeah, if you are a girl, and never tried to used the lipice, go on and get one or more ( ive got like more then 1 because i like to put in each bag that i have ) and try! Seriously you will feel the confident and your lips will love shine and pretty all day long. If you want this kind of society, you guys should come on and like the page Lipice and just read about them, who knows there will be a contest that you guys want to join. Lipice crew are osem! they love to give a way marvelous goodies bag or free stuff, you just need to join the contest and you will get it!! come on!! let's try! hehee
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Dhia please be focus young lady!!
oright guys..
i really need to focus this couple of month..
november 2011 - january 2012!!
lots of things should be done..
academic writing
major II
i think that is it kowt laa hmm
after that insyallah ill be finishing my digree in uitm yaho0o0o0
cant wait.!!
its ok let's here some cute song that can make ur
mind clear a bit..
ps- thanks for the song!! osem! hehehe
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
My baby bunnie
Morning peeps..
hye.. isnt they adorable!!
these are my baby bunnie.. 39 days old..
drinking milk hehehe ( cat milk )
amboi berebut jer so00 cute taw..
"ish ape la tuan aku nie..kedekut..bg satu satu minum ishh "
left thumper
right snowy
this one i call him ( i think its a him ) blacky
but my family call this dude otai
cause he is so0 small but so aggressive
this one is cute cause this one just love hide inside that helmet hehee
blue eyes just like the dad..
this one same as the mom
hehe posing
this one i call him messy cause the hair is
so messy
where is the grass!!
This one below i took while there were 13 day old.. so small..
the eyes was so small like sepet.. heheee
there were so small..
they just love to sleep when there babies hehee
sorry for the flash huhuhu "ter"flash
i know its not good for the baby bunnie got the flash huhuhu
they could died huhu :(
kacau la tuan aku niee duk amek gmbr jer huhu
oright line up please... :)
ps - sadly the mother bunnies died while the baby bunnies were 16 days old..
i'm not really sure why did she died.. doc n people said that she was stress..
cause rabbit is easily get stress.. i was in shah alam that morning..
my brother call me that "susu" looke unwell..
i ask my brother to go to the clinic,while he was get dress "susu" died.. so sad..
the baby bunnies was so little and need milk form the mom, i went to the clinic, the doc said just give them cat milk, so i give them cat milk, but the first week was kinda hard because
i don't know how to milk the bunnies, firstly i used this botol, the head was big
so the baby bunnies does not like it.. so i went to the doc, the doc
give them this vitamin so ada selera makan la katanyer.. so she used this thingy
tu put to the mouth so they it eat... i used that thingy to put milk in the mouth they drink it
awww im so0o0 proud of me can be mama rabbit hahaa :P
Monday, November 7, 2011
Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha!!
hi again.. well today we went to our kampung at melaka,ramuan china besar..
its raya right .. :)
i dont know why, if i went back to kampung my activities are eat + sleep + watching the tv
that is what i do if i went to my kampung.. haha
my uwan ( grandma ) love to cook for the cucu hehee
lagi ramai cucu die lagi byk la die masak mcm2 like yeahh!! awesome!!
so if i stay longer at kampung sure aiyoo0o0 senang naik berat badan hahaa
asyik tdo mkn tdo mkn haishh that is not good at all
well today the boys went to korban the lembu..
the lembu names is saloma hehe
one whole cow there nyummy hehee
both of them are my uncle2
well didnt take that much of picture cause i dont like to get close to the cow with blood huhu
takot darah actually that is why i cant be a doctor hahaa
Sunday, November 6, 2011

true. people love to make things complicated. Actually they can
make those problem simple. But they don't see the simple way to make things
last Friday one of my lecture had told us a story..
the story sound like this..
this US astronaut when to the moon, they need to figure it out something,
so they need to write things out using a pen,
but the pen that they used cant used in out of space because of the graffiti thingy
so they come back to the earth and used billion-billion US dollar
and also the big-big people to make a new pen that can used in out of space.
so in those years they end up making a marvelous pen.
so the US astronaut went to the moon again to test the new pen
and it works.
but... in the other hand, which is the Russia astronaut, they had a simple way.. what they did is that
when they send their astronaut out of space,
and they cant used the pen..
they straight away used a PENCIL..
easy + simple as that... they didn't used billion2 of money to make some pen
to used it in out of space or what..
simple.you don't need to make the thing simple hard.get what i mean.
ps - hehe well sometime im one of those people that makes
those simple things hard. maybe that time my brain
did not make any conclusion so
it make in it the other way haha
so funny me.. :P
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The best things in the world : ( actually not world just best things that happen )
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